Love Is....

Love Is....

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

This morning was rough, but after some icing my leg and eating breakfast,  I pulled it together to go to church.  There have been so many wonderful people praying for me and I wanted to be able to thank them.  After church we quickly stopped by to see Miss Connie and Ernie so Mama could meet them.  I always talk about them because I have done 3 Bible studies with them and they are like family to me!

I forgot to mention that yesterday I got bit by a tick on my neck.  Now, I have absolutely nooo problem getting the ticks off the dogs, but I sort of freaked out when I found it on my neck.  I didn't have my contacts in, so all I saw was blood, I screamed a little bit!  Heath came running upstairs from the basement and Mama came as well.  Heath was trying to pull it off, but I just kept grabbing his hands.  I just remember my neighbor getting lyme's disease from a very small deer tick that was between his toes.  Gross, this one was on my neck!  I finally allowed him to remove it.  So far, I'm still alive!  Celebrating my "last meals" with lots of ice cream!  :)

This afternoon I spent with my Mama and Justin spent with his Daddy.  It was great.  They were working on their sprinklers together and Mama and I were laying in the sun.  I am very much unable to do anything that requires focus.  This was perfect.  Then the boys had to go into town to get a part and they brought back ice cream!  How awesome!

Justin very proudly hung this key holder.
His  Dodge keys are on the  right side.

After I left the farm yesterday, Heath sent me this picture.
There are no words!  :)  The dog LOVES water.  We had
called him off the ditch (high current) and we didn't
have his baby pool filled, so he made due with the
horse tank.  I'm surprised he got out on his own!

Happy Father's Day Heath, Dad, Grandpa!  You guys show amazing love for me and Heath for the Boys.  Thank you for your continuous support, encouragement, and help over the years.

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