Love Is....

Love Is....

Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Saturday in Texas

Heath and I both worked a little bit this morning and then met up for lunch at the apartment.  When we finished up with lunch,  we headed out to Denton.  Gram and Tiny are here visiting and they are on a writing retreat out at the Denton house.  Gram and Tiny continued writing while Lexi did her homework, Heath went fishing, and I relaxed.  The property is great, allowing each visitor to accomplish what they want to do.

Resting, relaxing, and blogging!

With a beautiful view.

I was ready to join Heath to start fishing as the sun was just starting to go down...usually our best fishing has been about dusk.  As I came over the hill, Heath was just catching his largest fish of the day (see below).  I love fishing with my honey!  It is so incredibly peaceful and I truly enjoy being in nature and getting to experience the expectation of catching a fish.

I SPY a fishing a TREE!  :)

Don't ask....I decided to join Heath with his fishing.  So, I had the whole pond to fish in and I ended up getting my pole tangled in this lovely  Heath fixed it for me!  He is wonderful!

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