Love Is....

Love Is....

Friday, December 12, 2014

And We Danced!

21st Century Christmas Party

....And We Danced!

Thank you Tricia for this beautiful dress!

We had an AMAZING evening tonight at my 21st Century Christmas party.  It was an absolutely lovely event.  We are guessing there were around 240 people there.  This was the party for the north region stores and they are having another party tomorrow night for the south regions stores.  The prime rib was the best I have ever had, the company was great, and the dancing was the *BEST* part!

Heath danced with me to the Dueling Pianos from Denver, Colorado all evening.  One time when the song "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog" came on, Heath tried ever so politely to tell me that we were the only ones on the dance floor.  I told him it didn't matter, nobody was judging us, just have fun.  Turns out shortly after having this quick conversation, "The lady in the black dress and the man in the red shirt, please come forward."  We could not deny they were talking about us!  We had to go in front of the whole crowd with one other couple and do the hand motions to the song, some of which were not entirely appropriate.  My face was the color of Heath's shirt!  Then, we had to stand behind each other and do the "all the boys and girls" to each other.  Watch the link below for the true motions, pay particular attention to the "all the boys and girls" part and use your imagination of us up in front of a couple hundred think what a good man Heath is!  Don't get me wrong, I am not embarrassed to be on the dance floor dancing, but these motions made me blush!  ;)

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