Love Is....

Love Is....

Monday, September 1, 2014

2 Chronicles 16

2 Chronicles 16 was my devotion for today and it just made me stop and realize how important it is to rely fully on God.  Thank you for that wink God!

Today, since it is Labor Day, we were all home together again!  Such a blessing.  Heath had some fun with the boys during all the garden processing.  He told them that if they tried all of his hot peppers, they would not have to weedeat/trim the yard.  They both took the challenge, and here are the results!

Andrew with milk on hand.

"Seriously DAD!"

Today, between all of us, we processed the following fresh from the garden:
  1. Heath and Justin took all the stems off the pole beans, blanched, and froze them.
  2. Heath shucked, boiled, cut off the cob, and froze the sweet corn.
  3. We made two different types of basil pesto to freeze.
  4. Dried out some basil and oregano and put into a shaker for our own, homemade spices!  :)
  5. Washed up the carrots to keep in a cool, dark place.
  6. Shredded tons of zucchini and put into quart and gallon sized Ziplock freezer bags.
  7. Washed and stored up the potatoes in a cool, dark place.
  8. Made cucumbers into canned pickles.
I felt very domestic today as we are storing up this great harvest for this winter.  So excited to just be able to pull out these wonderful things this winter and throw together a piece of summer for our meal!

Heath and Justin working the beans.

Fresh, dried thai and large leaf basil and oregano.

One of the best things today was our dinner guests.  Pastor Wayne and Linda came over mid afternoon to hang out with us and eat a garden harvest with us.  Our boys both had practice in Mitchell, so when they got back, we got to enjoy a wonderful meal together.  Heath did most of the cooking and serving!   The sky was absolutely beautiful tonight and the air was crisp!  It was wonderful!

Happy September!

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