Love Is....

Love Is....

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Fall Friday

 Last day at TLC.  Such mixed feelings!  Departing something great for something new and different.  I have had such a wonderful experience here at TLC, but change is not a bad thing.  I am looking forward to the future with 21st Century.  I worked hard this morning to tie up a lot of loose ends and then when Sarah came I answered any last minute questions for her.  She is going to be a great marketer!  I am so excited for her to have this experience at such a young age!

2 pm, call from Barb that Andrew was getting ready to run.  Off I went, a few hugs here and there and I was gone.  Into mom mode.  I grabbed my camera and headed to Andrew’s cross country meet at the golf course in Gering.  When I arrived, there were cars everywhere!  Not 100% sure where the actual race would take place, I guessed!  I pulled onto one of the side streets and stopped in the first empty space.  About to run across people’s nice yards so I would not miss Andrew run, my second thought, I better not.

I got up to the race and saw the kids running.  I made an educated guess based on pace that Andrew would be behind these boys.  Thank you LORD!  I was able to catch him three or four different times through out his race.  So excited I got to watch him run and finish strong!

"Finish S+T+R+O+N+G Buddy!"

Post race photo.  :) 

After the race, I met up with him and he put on his sweats.  The overcast, nice cool afternoon made for a perfect afternoon for a race.  We walked around for a while to help him cool down and found Tiny and Barb.  Andrew decided to ride to Justin’s game with his mom, so I walked out with Tiny and Barb to give them some fresh zucchini.  :)

At the close of the meet, I called Heath again and he was just pulling into Gering with his truck.  He pushed super hard this morning hitting 38 stops before noon and just missed Andrew run.  He said to go ahead and meet him at home and we would take off for Gothenburg to watch Justin.  With the time change, their game started at 6 pm and with a 4 hour drive, we had some road to cover.  We made it to his game safely and the sun came out on our way there.  Thank you Heath for driving.

Justin #56, tall guy #53

After the game, we congratulated him for guarding a 6’8” 270 lineman #53.  Their school offered the kids a meal before they left.  They told me that Mitchell had always been so gracious to them.  Nice people!  Justin and Andrew headed out with their mom when she arrived.

Friday Night Lights

Heath and I stopped at Amigos for dinner and each had some awesome Mexican food.  This is a favorite of his from college, they had one in Kearney.  My drive home was short, as the passenger, because my eyes happened to close as soon as we were finished eating.  My man got us home safely!  Praises!  Prayers for the kids this weekend.

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